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Haderekh Messianic Devotional


'But those who wait on Yehovah shall renew their strength; ' Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) When you feel overwhelmed, where is your place of replenishment? When you face difficult times, or need greater emotional capacity, where is your place of strength? Seek Yehovah; learn to turn and find Yehovah in these periods, to refresh and refocus. When you need a greater sense of perspective are you able to lean on, and hope in Him? Say to Him, 'Yehovah, I am feeling tired and weary, but as I put my desires and expectations in Your hands, I know this environment will strengthen my faith. I know that you are...


'How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily?...' Psalm 13:2 (NKJV) Often the mind is like a darkroom where you develop all your negatives of fear and doubt. The 'darkroom' of the mind works in a similar way to a photographer's darkroom: the images are kept hidden from the light, time is spent soaking them in the right environment, and then they are displayed to become clearer and fully formed. Instead of choosing to dwell on the negatives in life, choose to release your mind to dream and imagine once again. To do this, you may find that you need to wrestle...


'We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope' Romans 5:3-4 (NKJV) Martin Luther King Jr. made this statement: 'If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you to go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream'. If you are to keep your hopes and dreams alive, then you too must learn to wrestle with hope, and win the battle of courage. Don't let setbacks and delays destroy it; let hope arise, and believe that Yehovah...


As followers of Yeshua, despite our positive confessions and aspirations,
many of us have and still do struggle to get into the Scriptures on a
regular and consistent basis. That can sometimes be because we try to sit
and read long passages, chapters or even books in one sitting. read more…


Early in 2020, news began to reach us that the coronavirus, or Covid 19, was beginning to spread rapidly from China, where it appeared to have begun, into mainland Europe. No one, certainly everyday laypeople, had any idea how much this would affect the world in the coming months, nor the fact that it would soon be classified as a pandemic. One of the first places it impacted was the northern region of Italy, where we had close and dear friends, pastors of a large church and leaders of a national ministry which reached many thousands of people across the whole of the country. We began to pray for them, and wrote to tell them the areas and issues for which we felt to pray. As we did so, I realised these same things would be what we would need to consider and seek the Lord over, particularly as, in the following few weeks we in the U.K. would be affected in similar ways. This book was birthed from those prayer points. read more…


This booklet developed from a study about what the Bible said about how Christians should make preparations for their money, property and other material possessions after their death. Its purpose is to present the Biblical principles regarding what should happen to the inheritance we leave behind, and to provide guidance relating to tithing and giving. read more…