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Haderekh Messianic Devotional


??A very present help in trouble? Psalm 46:1 (ESV) Yehovah is ?a very present help in time of trouble?. This particular phrase is only found here in the whole of the Bible. In the original, it is very strong and forceful; the Hebrew phrase is me'?d m?ts?', which literally means ?vehemently present? or ?severely present?. You could read it colloquially to mean that he is actually 'in your face'! In fact, Yehovah is a lot closer than you think. The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon wrote on this text, ?Yehovah is almost closer than the trouble is?. Notice that He is found in ?a time of...


'When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation' Proverbs 10:25 (NKJV) Sometimes, what you have built so far in this spiritual life can resemble the leaning tower of Pisa! It is going upwards, but it has a slant on it. You can try to put support structures around it, but Yehovah may have other, more drastic plans. Part of the work of Yehovah in your life, is the occasional whirlwind.  What happens here is that suddenly the skies darken, and everything that you have constructed flies up, and starts spinning. You wonder if it's going to...


'Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, - though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling' Psalm 46:2-3 Things change, and that alone can introduce fear into your life. This Psalm talks about the movement and changing of three things. 1) The earth -the ground beneath your feet. What are your foundations in life, what are the things that your life is built on? There may be times when these things slip and slide away beneath your feet, and the result is very disconcerting. 2) The mountains - Psalm 125 describes how the mountains...


As followers of Yeshua, despite our positive confessions and aspirations,
many of us have and still do struggle to get into the Scriptures on a
regular and consistent basis. That can sometimes be because we try to sit
and read long passages, chapters or even books in one sitting. read more…


Early in 2020, news began to reach us that the coronavirus, or Covid 19, was beginning to spread rapidly from China, where it appeared to have begun, into mainland Europe. No one, certainly everyday laypeople, had any idea how much this would affect the world in the coming months, nor the fact that it would soon be classified as a pandemic. One of the first places it impacted was the northern region of Italy, where we had close and dear friends, pastors of a large church and leaders of a national ministry which reached many thousands of people across the whole of the country. We began to pray for them, and wrote to tell them the areas and issues for which we felt to pray. As we did so, I realised these same things would be what we would need to consider and seek the Lord over, particularly as, in the following few weeks we in the U.K. would be affected in similar ways. This book was birthed from those prayer points. read more…


This booklet developed from a study about what the Bible said about how Christians should make preparations for their money, property and other material possessions after their death. Its purpose is to present the Biblical principles regarding what should happen to the inheritance we leave behind, and to provide guidance relating to tithing and giving. read more…