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Haderekh Messianic Devotional


'Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he' Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) It is important to have a vision of what you are called to do. You need to have a goal, something to aim towards. Imagine a game of football. While it may be enjoyable to have a 'kick-around', unless you are aiming to score a goal, you will just be killing time if all you do is pass the ball between you.  Having a goal in life will keep you on track; on the right road, going in the right direction, towards the end result you are striving for. Having a vision is like having a sat-nav in...


'All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made' John 1:3 (NKJV) According to the Tanakh, Yehovah created all things through His spoken word; during the first six days of creation, Yehovah spoke everything into being. Right from the very beginning, He has been a Yehovah who communicates; He has always spoken to, and revealed His heart to His people. When He speaks, His words are loving - they bring life, they create. In the B'rit Chadashah, Yeshua is called the 'Word'. Yeshua is the ultimate way in which Yehovah has communicated with His people. Without...


'He was in the beginning with Yehovah' John 1:2 (NKJV) How big is your picture of Yeshua? Do you worship a small, finite Yeshua, or do you worship a Yeshua who is infinite, glorious, majestic, unlimited, and divine? John reveals that before the universe was formed, and the earth created, that the 'Word' - Yeshua - existed with Yehovah. That means that Yeshua wasn't just a human being at a certain time in history, but was, and is, a divine being, in eternity. Many people today reduce the person of Yeshua, by either claiming that He is a mythical figure, or by saying that He was just a...


This book was inspired by the verse in Matthew 13:52, in which, to paraphrase, Jesus said that someone who is instructed – or skilled – in things of the Kingdom of Heaven, is like someone who “brings out of his treasure both new and old things. read more…


In the natural realm many of us are accustomed to eating “on the go” – starting off our days in a rush to get to work or to school – maybe grabbing a piece of toast or a cereal bar as we head out of the door. If we have lunch at all, we eat it at our desks, keeping up with the workload that surrounds us. Then at night, if we are fortunate, we sit down to eat our dinners, often the largest meal of the day, on a tray in front of the TV. Then we are too full and too tired to move – and so in the evenings we become “vegged-out” “couch potatoes.” read more…