‘Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed’ John 8:36 (NKJV)
There is such great news! Yeshua, Yehovah’s son, has set you free! That means that you are free from whatever holds you back; your past, your background, sin, fear, shame – there is nothing that can keep you captive, if Yeshua has set you free. You are free to leave the place where you were a prisoner; you do not have to be hesitant or fearful, because you are free. You are free to dance, free to sing; free to do the things that scare you! You are free to be exactly who Yehovah has created you to be, and nothing can stop you! And your freedom will release His freedom in those around you. When you understand your freedom, and start to walk in it, you enter into a new experience of worship. You see that He is all-powerful, all-wonderful and all-good! When you turn your eyes to Yehovah, your perspectives change. You know that He loves you, and that He will fight for you. You’re never alone with your struggles, because He is right there with you, ready to bring freedom if you ask Him. He longs to see you walking in acceptance, not bound by shame; running in contentment, not wading through guilt; flying in joy, not weighed down with fear. The Bible explains that, ‘there is no longer any condemnation to those who are in Yeshua Hamashiach’ (Romans 8:1). Even if the things that you feel bad about are things that you really have done wrong, you are still declared ‘not guilty’ by the Father. If you have faith in His Son Yeshua, you are forgiven, so walk in your freedom!