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‘Thinking he was in their company, they travelled on for a day.’ Luke 2:44 (NIV)

Make sure that you keep pace with Yeshua! It is easy to run on ahead of His leading through enthusiasm or ambition, but take time to check that He goes before you. There are a few things to be aware of: 1) Busyness: when you are busy with life and ministry, you can often switch to auto-pilot. Don’t let serving Him take the place of walking with Him. Keep intimacy with Yeshua as your number one priority. 2) Presumption: don’t fall into the trap of assuming that because something is a good idea, that it is Yehovah’s idea! Take time to pray, to seek Him, to gain His Shalom about what you are doing. If He has called you to do something, don’t rush on to the next thing unless you know that He has finished His work there, and that you are moving on together! 3) Preoccupation: if agendas or ambitions are your focus instead of Him, your heart and mind will be set on them, not on Yeshua. There is nothing wrong with goals and aims; but make sure that He is at the centre of them, and that you are not being distracted by other things. 4) Abdication: take responsibility for your own walk with Yehovah! Don’t assume that your parent, spouse or fellowship leader, will tell you if you are rushing ahead of Yeshua, or if you should be going in a different direction – it is up to you to keep pace with Yeshua in your life; know Him, know what He is doing, know His voice, and follow His leading. Are you in step with Yeshua? If you don’t know, then stop and seek Him!