‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart…In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.’ Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NKJV)

When learning to fly an aeroplane, pilots need to pass various tests to move on to the next level of proficiency, and there are particular instructions that they must remember when flying into a storm: 1) Calm down; firstly, try to remain calm; no good can come from panicking. 2) Check the instruments; what are they telling the pilot about his speed, the height and direction he is going in? 3) Communicate; with air traffic control, who will give clear instructions about what to do next. 4) Comply; with the instructions that are given. 5) Climb; lastly, and most importantly, the pilot should climb above the storm. If the pilot follows all these steps, he will be able to land the plane safely, and celebrate his safe return to earth! These five steps for pilots mirror those you need to take in your life. Whenever you encounter one of life’s storms, while it may be your instinctive reaction to panic, you must calm down. Breathe, take a moment to focus, and check that you are heading in the direction that Yehovah has previously instructed you through His Word. You must remember to communicate – both with Him, and with trusted friends, who can give you clear guidance as to how to get through this situation. Of course, after seeking advice, you need to comply with those instructions. Spiritually then, you can ‘climb’ above the emotional strain, fear and panic, by praising and worshipping Yehovah. When you land safely remember to celebrate, for it is Yehovah who has delivered you and brought you home safely.