“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Yehovah in Yeshua.” Philippians 3:13-14

It is said that certain car drivers may as well throw away the car mirror because they never look in it, believing if you need to look in your rear-view mirror, looking at what or who is behind you, you are obviously not going fast enough. While not justifying or excusing speeding, there is a life lesson we can learn from that attitude. A fact of life is that if you are always reflecting on what has already happened, particularly when there is nothing you can do to influence or change it, you can be distracted and deterred from paying sufficient attention to going forward towards what Yehovah is calling you into.

Even if you are forever looking at the positives that you have achieved in your past, the Apostle Paul’s stance suggests there is wisdom is recognising that no matter how good that was, it is necessary for each of us to press forwards into all Yehovah still has left for you to do and to achieve in the future. No matter how close you feel you are in your relationship to and walk with Yehovah, there is always going to be so much more for you to learn and to experience in your daily, intimate encounter with Yeshua.

If you need to repent over things in your past, do it, and then do like Yehovah Himself does, remove the guilt of those memories from your mind, banishing them as far as the east is from the west. Move forward with the peace of Yehovah ruling in your heart and mind. Press forward with confidence in His plans for your future – and choose life, health and peace for the road ahead.