Job 23:12 “I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.”
If you, even as a follower of Yeshua, despite your positive confessions and aspirations, struggle to get into the Scriptures on a regular and consistent basis, you should know that you are not alone. One of the reasons can so easily be because many of us have set out determined to start reading more out of a sense of obligation, rather than having a desire to, feeling a need within our hearts to hear from Yehovah, or to learn more about Him. It may also be because we have sometimes started out by trying to sit and read long passages, chapters or even books in one go. That can be like attempting to eat a whole week’s or even a month’s worth of breakfasts, lunches and dinners all at one time. We become bloated, unable to digest even a small amount of what we have consumed or, worse still, physically sick. Then we may feel guilty and lose the desire to try again in case we continue to fail in our attempts.
There is a saying that the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Similarly, rather than trying to devour the entire Scriptures in one go, we should start by reading bite-sized portions. That way we build a healthy appetite for more as we grow in our knowledge of and our relationship with Yehovah.
Daily devotionals, such as this, are designed to encourage each of us to begin the process steadily, growing gradually, until our appetite is whetted enough to begin to feast on the Bread of Life, more and more each and every day. In time we will learn, like Job, to “esteem the words of His mouth more than (our) necessary food.” (Job 23:12). Try “eating” a little, and more often, and allow Yehovah to help you grow.
So good, and yes true. I love reading a few Psalms . And often go to other scripture to.
I am so happy to have Haderekh back.
Right now I am at the hospital everyday and mostly only read at bed time. My husband of 51 years has terminal cancer.
Please pray for us, I am so lost without him. I’m realizing how much I counted on him.not Jesus.
Arlene, I’m so sorry for your husband’s illness. I pray that Abba Father will comfort you and keep you in His presence. Whatever is His will, it is indeed Sovereign and He promises to always, always, always be with us. ❤️