‘And you shall love Yehovah with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ Mark 12:30 (NKJV)

If you truly analyse the privilege of your relationship with Yehovah, it will blow your mind! This powerful, awesome Yehovah loves and cares for you with incredibly personal detail. Allow the overwhelming revelation of His love to penetrate your mind. However much you try to rationalise and reason concerning His love, it is totally unfathomable. Not only does He love you today, but He has decided to love you forever, and is preparing a future of blessing for you too! His love pursues you, forgives you, restores you, and then blesses and provides for you! No one deserves such dedicated, generous love – let it blow your mind! His love is so unreasonable but so wonderful! Then Yehovah gives you a challenge! Will you love Him too? He wants you to love Him and express your love with every part of your being. First you are asked to ‘Love Yehovah with all your soul and heart’, a natural place to express love from. Then, however, the challenge grows deeper: now love Yehovah with all your mind! How can you express your love for such an amazing Yehovah with your whole mind? That takes a choice, a decision. Do you trust Yehovah when circumstances do not make sense? Can your mind process contradictions and still say, ‘I love and trust Him’. Ask Yehovah today to teach you to deepen your love of Him in your ways of thinking, reasoning, processing and deciding. Ask Him to help you to love Him with your whole mind.