‘Come to my home each day and listen to me. You will find happiness. By finding me, you find life.’ Proverbs 8:34-35 (CEV)

Reflection – the art of waiting on Yehovah – is the lost art of the twenty-first century. So many people’s lives consist of rushing out of the house every morning, driving bumper to bumper, and arriving at the office just on time. The daily routine is often frantic. Despite taking the same journey for years, if you stop somewhere and just sit for a while, you may notice trees and wildlife that you’ve never noticed before. Even if it is just ten minutes extra onto your commute once a week so you can take some time out and reflect, try to do so! Everyone needs to pause once in a while, to rest and recharge. Put the brakes on the hustle and bustle and just be; enjoy the stillness, the wildlife, a book and coffee in front of a roaring fire, or a quiet day at a retreat. Take some time out to think about questions of life. How is your walk with Yehovah going? What books are stimulating your thinking? How is the relationship between you and your partner? What are your energy levels like? Are you pleased with your physical fitness? Is temptation getting the better of you? Do your kids get the best or worst of your week? When was the last time you did something just for fun? A.W. Tozer, in The Pursuit of Yehovah, wrote, ‘It is important that we get still to wait on Yehovah. And it is best that we get alone, preferably with our Bible outstretched before us. Then we will draw near to Yehovah and begin to hear him speak to us in our hearts’. How is your walk today?