‘The statutes of Yehovah are more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb’ Psalm 19:8-10 (NKJV)

Have you ever seen a film of the Mission Aviation Fellowship’s ministry? It starts with the jungle vegetation shrouding the beautiful mountain terrain, and then suddenly there are tribal people everywhere; dancing, singing, and shaking the ground beneath with excitement as a tiny white plane appears on the horizon. Minutes later, the M.A.F. plane lands, and the cheers of the crowd reach fever pitch as boxes are unloaded from the small aircraft. What was it that evoked such a reaction in these people, normally hidden from the rest of the world in their secluded mountain home? The Hula people of Papua were receiving the first copies of the Bible in their own language, and they were ecstatic! You probably have a least one copy of the Bible in your house, perhaps many; different editions, sizes or translations. You can also access hundreds of versions online, yet these people were receiving Yehovah’s Word in printed form for the very first time. Tears rolled down dusty cheeks, and rib-squeezing hugs were exchanged, as the missionary who had worked for years on that translation placed the precious book into many waiting hands! It was an emotional scene to watch; you would have thought the people had just been given treasure. Actually, they had! Yehovah’s Word is described as ?fine gold? to enrich your life, and like ‘honey’ to nourish you. The Word of Yehovah will accomplish what He desires in your life; challenge, rebuke, forgiveness, love, reconciliation, comfort, healing, direction, joy, and much more! Of course, this is dependent on whether you read it, which shows how precious you believe it to be. Make sure that you aren’t burying your treasure!