‘In honour give preference to one another’ Romans 12:10 (NKJV)

Everything about living for Yeshua is about preferring others. Imagine the impact a fellowship would have if they decided they were going to devote themselves to preferring others: starting with each other, then letting it spill out onto this self-oriented world. Now that would really cause a stir! Paul tells us: “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love.” (Romans 12:9-10). This is one of the ‘where the rubber hits the road’ type of verses. One of the characteristics of a follower of Yeshua is that you choose to prefer others. Why? Because that’s the nature of Yehovah’s Ruach, who now lives in you. Now that we are filled with His Ruach, the attitudes of Yeshua should also be manifested in us, and through us, as we submit our lives to Him. This is the true evidence of a life that is yielded. Think about that today, because everything great starts with one person doing something different. How about you? Who can you prefer above yourself today? Sometimes it hurts, but it is always noticed, and honoured, by Yehovah. Who can you bless today? Is there someone who is lonely or sick, poor or in prison, an orphan or widow, that you could show the love of Yehovah to this week? Live with a different attitude to the world, releasing the character of the One who’s Ruach is now in you, and witness lives becoming transformed by His love.