‘Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honour giving preference to one another.’ Romans 12:10 (NJKV)

Love must be real. Brotherly love, filial love; means looking to bless those around you, and being devoted to your friends and family in Yeshua. Honoring others above yourself in giving others preference, value and respect. You are called to share what you have, physically, spiritually, and in every other way, with those who have less. You are called to reach out and embrace others, to serve them with kindness and hospitality. Sincere love requires concentration and effort. It demands your time, money and personal involvement. No one individual person has the capacity to express love to a whole community, but as the body of Yeshua, together, in unity, you can. The key ingredient in your relationships must be love – agape love; Yehovah’s love. It means a sacrificial kind of love, one that cares for the well-being of others, that allows for imperfections and weakness; that deals with problems through commitment and loyalty. The definition of love that the Apostle Paul outlines in this passage, finds its expression in practical demonstration. Love is not a matter of feelings, or words, but of doing! By following Paul’s advice you can show those around you that they are loved. Who has Yehovah placed around you that you can show – or demonstrate, His love to? Which members of your fellowship do you notice are just on the fringes, and perhaps feel like they don’t belong? What could you do, in your local fellowship, or in your community, to demonstrate love to others, or to show them preference? If you are not sure, ask Yehovah to reveal someone to you, who needs some support. And if you already know, then go and do it!