‘Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you’ Matthew 7:7 (NKJV)

The constant moaning of a child in the supermarket, badgering the accompanying adult for something he wants, is irritating, whether the child is yours or someone else’s! The persistent whining drags on, as the parents don?t want to give in to such behaviour! Yeshua’ words in Matthew’s gospel might give the impression that believers are encouraged to be like that; that pester-praying will get you what you want from Yehovah. That isn’t the case; Yehovah is simply checking your persistence. Whether you are asking, seeking or knocking on a closed door, your Heavenly Father tests your tenacity to discover His will, in the midst of the very thing causing you to seek Him. This verse cannot be separated from Yeshua’ other teachings on prayer, where He reminds you to make the kingdom of Yehovah your primary concern, to focus on honoring Yehovah’s name and doing His will; not to pray like the hypocrites, or while harboring sin in your heart. Once all of that is understood, the keeping on asking, seeking and knocking, loses the whining nature of self-seeking desire, and is transformed into the request of a mature child, longing for the Father’s response to their heartfelt cries. What is causing you to persevere in prayer? Whatever it is, if it weighs on your heart, it will undoubtedly weigh on His heart too. Yehovah may need to change your heart as you ask, and His answers may not be what you expect; but He does want you to keep on praying! While you pray, remember that, ‘The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results’ (James 5:16, NLT), so don’t give up!