‘Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering’ Exodus 25:2 (NKJV)

Everyone has different natural abilities, as well as a variety of spiritual gifts. The apostle Paul details the diversity of gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, ranging from apostles and pastors, right through to believers who have the gift of ‘helps’. Quite a difference you would think! But actually, there is no difference spiritually. Apart from love, which is cited as the greatest gift (1 Corinthians 13:13), there is no hierarchy of gifts in Yehovah’s Kingdom, or listed in the Bible. Rather, each one is of equal importance when used for His glory. Yeshua commended the widow’s giving of two small coins, which He valued above the riches of others in the Temple offering (Mark 12:41-44). The boy’s small lunch was used to miraculous effect when placed in the Saviour’s hands (John 6:9-13). During the desert wanderings, gifts of goat’s hair or badger skin were needed in the construction of the tabernacle, as much as gold and precious stones. Yehovah made it possible for everyone, rich or poor, skilled craftsmen or common labourers, to have an equal opportunity to bless His heart by contributing whatever they could. There was only one requirement – a willing heart. Yehovah does not measure how much you have, or what you can do, but He is interested in the willingness of your heart to offer both for His glory. Throughout history, Yehovah has chosen to work through ordinary people, whatever their skills, abilities or gifts. What can you offer to Him today?