‘Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left’ Isaiah 30:21 (NKJV)

Does your heart sink when you drive down a road, and see the bright yellow sign, ‘DIVERSION’ It always seems to happen when you’re in a hurry, and you can almost guarantee that the black arrow pointing you another way will lead you off down some tiny country lane! However, sometimes you may see or experience something special because you had been forced to make a journey that you hadn’t planned. Yehovah is very good at erecting ‘diversion’ signs! Often you may think that you know exactly where you are going, but He has other plans! Take Joseph for example. He had neither planned to go to prison, and nor did he deserve to be there, but Yehovah had Joseph take that diversion in his life so that he would meet the butler, who would in turn introduce him to Pharaoh. It was the long route round to the position that Yehovah had planned for him, but it was essential to fulfil Yehovah’s plan for Joseph – not only for him and his family, but for the land of Egypt, and the preservation of the Children of Israel! Yehovah still works that way today. Have you got time for the Ruach Hakodesh to divert you? Are your plans so written in stone that there is barely room for the Ruach Hakodesh to move them? Are you willing to go down His route? Next time you are forced to head off in a direction that you had no intention of taking, don’t fight it. Instead, be ready for the person or situation that Yehovah has planned for you to meet.