‘…They will soar on wings like eagles…’ Isaiah 40:31 NIV
An eagle once landed in a farmer’s field with its wing injured. Seeing that it was unable to fly, the farmer carried it to his farmyard and housed it alongside his turkeys. After some weeks, the eagle’s wing was fully healed, so the farmer separated it from the turkeys and perched it on a nearby fence. The eagle sat there for a while, then eventually dropped to the floor, waddled over to the turkey pen, and waited till the farmer allowed it back inside with the turkeys. The farmer took the eagle to a nearby hill; but the eagle just flapped its wings. Early one morning he, once again, took the eagle to the top of the highest hill. As they arrived, three eagles appeared in the sky, high above them. The farmer looked at the eagle in his arms and said to it, ‘You were not meant to scratch in the dirt, you were made to soar!’ He turned the eagle so it could see the others high above them and threw the bird heavenward as hard as he could. The eagle flapped its wings, and then started to rise, higher and higher, until it joined the others soaring upwards, so high that they could barely be seen with the naked eye. Yehovah has promised that if you wait on Him, you will soar up on wings like an eagle. You were made for something greater than scratching around in the dust and dirt of this world. Today, catch a vision of the heights Yehovah has called you to, and rise like an eagle to reach all He has called you to be.