“Yeshua  Hamashiach – is at the right hand of Yehovah and is also interceding for us” Romans 8:34, NIV

It can be both humbling and encouraging to know that someone is praying for you. Maybe you have gone up to receive prayer after a meeting, and someone is spending time with you; listening to your needs and then praying Yehovah’s love and blessing into your life. Perhaps Yehovah has spoken to someone else, and that person has come to you and offered His encouragement. Sometimes in worship, a friend’s hand on your shoulder reassures you that you are not alone, and brings comfort. If you have worked in a difficult situation, or been abroad, there may have been members of your family praying for you. What is even more of a privilege is that Yeshua is praying for you! In the Bible, His prayers for you were recorded, and He still continues to pray for you today! In ‘Yeshua’s High Priestly Prayer’, you can listen in as He prays firstly for His disciples before He leaves them, and then for all who come after them: ‘I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word’ (John 17:20). Yeshua prayed for you, and all His followers: “protect them by the power of your Name” keep them safe from the evil one! Make them holy by your truth; teach them Your Word’ May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me, (John 17:11-23, NLT). Be encouraged – Yeshua is praying for you today!