“And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6:31

It has been said we need to “come apart” before we really do “come apart.” Life has always been “busy”, it has always been full, and yet we try to fit 30 hours of living into a 24-hour day. Before all our modern conveniences, like washing machines, driers, electric and gas cookers, microwave ovens, etc., it seems people had a more leisurely pace of life. The only difference between now and then is that some of the things we fill our days with are different from what they filled theirs with! Yeshua Himself had demands made upon Him, His time and availability. The only way even the creator of the universe survived the rigours of such a lifestyle was He disciplined Himself to come apart to be alone with His Father. He trained His disciples to do the same. Think about it; even before Yeshua’s earthly ministry began, He was “led of the Ruach into the wilderness.” (Luke 4:1). We know it was there, while he fasted for 40 days, He was tempted by the devil, but have you ever wondered how and from where He received the strength and wisdom to overcome those temptations? Taking time out – like in a game of American football – can give us time to rest from the onslaught of a tough and determined opponent for a few, vital moments, to refocus and to gather strength for the next phase of “the game.” Yeshua took time out: 1. Before directional decisions needed to be made. 2. Before and after periods of testing and pressure – to get a fresh perspective. 3. When He was going to teach and equip the disciples. If the King of Kings and Lord of Lords needed to take “time out”, what makes you think you do not?”