‘Have mercy on me, Yehovah…’ Psalm 51:1
The Scriptures say that Yehovah considered David ‘a man after my own heart [who] will do everything I want him to do’ (Acts 13:22 NIV). It is interesting, perhaps surprising, that Yehovah would say this about a man who failed dismally on several occasions – not just having an affair with a married woman, but also getting her pregnant and then arranging to have her husband killed so that he could marry her and not be caught out. However, although David made huge mistakes and terrible choices with drastic consequences, when he was confronted by a prophet, he repented, confessing, ‘I have sinned against Yehovah’ (2 Samuel 12:13 NIV). Can you say the same when you have been convicted by the Ruach Hakodesh? David experienced the forgiveness and love of Yehovah, and often proclaimed His mercy. David’s beginnings were humble; an unimportant shepherd boy; the bottom of the social scale. However, when David worked in the palace, even the King of Israel recognised that he carried a gift and anointing from Yehovah. David’s passionate love and gratitude to Yehovah’s heart of grace and mercy brought out His creative gifting, and many of the scriptures that you read, or even sing today, were the expressions of His heart after Yehovah’s. As you follow the path that Yehovah has ordained for you, you too, will experience His faithfulness, love and mercy. Stay soft-hearted to Yehovah and be quick to repent when you sin; His mercies are new every morning. Allow your love and gratitude to Him to find expression throughout the rest of your life.