‘As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of Yehovah, ‘ John 1:12 (NKJV)

Many people today make a fundamental mistake. They wrongly believe that every person on the planet is a child of Yehovah. Sometimes you may even hear a person say, ‘Of course we are all Yehovah’s children’. However, according to the Bible, people are not born children of Yehovah; they are not His children by nature. Rather they become children of Yehovah, when they put their trust in Yeshua. Only those who have chosen to follow Yeshua can qualify for the term ‘child of Yehovah’. You can become Abba’s child, only when you have been ‘born of Yehovah’. The world is divided into two groups of people: those who have become Abba’s children as a result of believing in Yeshua, and those who are still spiritual orphans – people who don’t know Abba, because they haven’t yet received His Son into their hearts. It is a truly miserable thing to miss who Yeshua really is; it was tragic in Yeshua’ day, and is equally as tragic today. Yeshua went first to His own people – the Jewish people of the first century, and they didn’t receive Him. Others however, did receive Him; they welcomed Him and put their trust in Him. To those people, Yeshua gave, and still gives, the right to become ‘children of Yehovah’. You were created for this privilege; created to be loved, to be in relationship with Yehovah. Abba longs for you to know His affection, to enjoy His presence, and to fulfil His destiny for your life. He longs for each person He created to come to know Him, to be His child. Who can you pray for today, to come into His family?