‘…imitate their faith…’ Hebrews 13:7 NIV

Someone once said that “people tend to put on the image of the person or ‘being’ they behold and worship.” Generally, people tend to pick up the traits of those who have a strong influence on them, regardless of whether it is in a positive or negative way. If someone you admire happens to have many positive and admirable attributes there is a tendency for you to emulate them in those areas. Equally, you need to recognise that they are not perfect, and must make a conscious effort not to pick up their negative areas. The same thing happens with body language; there is a tendency for a person to mirror, or reflect back what they subconsciously see others doing to them. If a person folds their arms when taking to someone, it is said that this depicts a closed, defensive approach from that person towards the other. Without even realising it, your instinctive reaction will be to mirror the posture, so you therefore reflect back that same folded arms and defensive attitude. How do you view Yehovah, and His approach to you? The truth is that He stands with His arms open and outstretched towards you. Your whole outlook changes when you recognise and receive Yehovah’s open-hearted, open-handed, arms-wide-open approach to you. When you see and feel His love and generosity, His receptivity and kindness, His grace and forgiveness towards you, how can you not reflect that same love and commitment back to Him? As you mirror His stance towards you, you will also start to reflect His characteristics in your relationships with those around you! What are you reflecting today?