‘Let them praise the name of Yehovah, for He commanded and they were created’ Psalm 148:5 (NKJV)
Paul wrote about the Yehovah who ‘calls those things which do not exist as though they did’ (Romans 4:17). Do you realise that because you are made in the image of Yehovah, that means that you also have the ability to create. Humanity can create beautiful works of art, heart-moving music, great lyrics and perceptive poetry. In Mark’s gospel, there is an account of Yeshua healing a blind man. Yeshua took him out of the village, spat on his eyes, and then laid His hands on him. It’s interesting that the Hebrew word ‘Eyin’ used in this text is ‘in his eyes’ (Mark 8:22-25) and yet in verse 25 the English text used is ‘on his eyes‘. Both translations of the word ‘Eyin’ are correct, but maybe in the first instance the eyes were first created in the man’s empty sockets, and then quickly matured and brought into sharp focus? The reason for this ‘double touch’ of Yeshua is not revealed, but what it shows is that His words bring into being something which was not previously there. When you hear from Yehovah, and speak out His words, you can speak prophetically into people?s circumstances, and even into other people’s lives. The prophetic can bring things into being within Yehovah’s Kingdom, your family, and also your own personal life. Yehovah’s Word creates life. Even if there is no immediate result, the Bible gives the assurance that none of Yehovah’s words return to him void. You don’t need to be limited by what you see in front of you. Ruach inspired words will create. Why don’t you listen to Yehovah for His words, and then see what happens when you speak them out!