Haderekh – The Way Radio

Haderekh - Jew and Gentile One in Messiah

Program Schedule (IST)

Derek Prince: 00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 18:15

Testimonies: 01:15, 07:15, 13:15, 19:15

Dudley Anderson: 01:50, 07:50, 13:50, 19:50

Baruch Korman: 02:15, 08:15, 14:15, 20:15

Bill Cloud: 03:15, 09:15, 15:15, 21:15

Arthur Bailey: 03:45, 09:45, 15:45, 21:45

Asher Intrater: 04:45, 08:45, 16:45, 22:45

Hebrew lesson: 05:30, 11:30, 17:30, 23:30

Zev Porat: 05:45, 11:45, 17:45, 23:45

Daily Devotionals


‘I will lift up my eyes to the hills – From whence comes my help?’ Psalm 121:1 (NKJV) David was a man who seemed to get himself into problems and situations of his own making from time to time. Does that sound familiar? We all do that at times, don’t we? Yet David...

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'In all things Yehovah works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose' Romans 8:28 (NIVUK) The Bible says that you are saved by grace, through faith, and that Yehovah has a plan for your life if you seek Him! Faith discovers...

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'Let him who boasts, boast in Yehovah' 1 Corinthians 1:31 (NASB) One of Jim Burke's first tasks when he became the head of a new projects division at Johnson & Johnson, was the development of a children's chest rub. The product failed miserably, and Jim expected...

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'For sorrow towards Yehovah produces repentance leading to salvation, ...but the sorrow of the world produces death.' 2 Corinthians 7:10 (NKJV) An example of the difference between accusation and conviction is found in the lives of Judas Iscariot and Simon...

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Special thanks to our partners

One For Israel

Makes sure the truth is easy to find when people search for Yeshua through their audio and video testimony programs of Israeli’s who have come to faith. www.oneforisrael.org

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David Robinson

Is a prolific writer and broadcaster of Christan Evangelistic programs with a passion to communicate “the greatest message ever written”. www.godspot.co.uk

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Dudley Anderson

An active Christian radio programme producer. He oversees a non-profit media company called Sure Reality Media and produces numerous short Christian and Messianic teachings for broadcast. www.dudleyanderson.net

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Zev Porat

Founder of Messiah of Israel Ministries, Zev teaches from a unique Biblical Hebrew perspective of our faith in Yeshua. www.zevporatministries.com

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Keith Johnson

Author, international speaker, founder of Biblical Foundations Academy International and also a Messianic Hebrew and Bible Teacher . www.bfainternational.com

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Bill Cloud

Has a desire to unlock the hidden treasures within the Word of God and to teach them, along with our Hebraic roots, to believers in Messiah. www.billcloud.com

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